Back Care Class (30 Min)
About 80% of people suffer or have suffered from back pain.
Yoga is a great way to release tension in the muscles and strengthen supporting muscles to ease back pain.Class run by Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha
Focus on Prana or lifeforce (30 Min)
In today's Yoga therapy class, Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha, focuses on Prana or lifeforce in this 30 minute session.
Class run by Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha
Happy Wrist Class (30 Min)
Need to stay off painful wrists? This class is for you as there is no weight bearing on the wrists.
Class by Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha.
Yoga for Stress Relief (30 Min)
Enjoy this 30 minute practice to relieve stress and balance your nervous system.
Class run by Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha
Ahimsa or non-violence
In today's class we focus on Ahimsa or non-violence.
Class run by Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha
Womb practise
Connect to the Divine Feminine in this Womb practise
Class run by Yoga Therapist, Liama Aesha
Chair Yoga
The 'no knee' class designed for anyone who has a knee injury.
Class in run by Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha.
Balancing Ajna Chakra (the third eye)
We focus on balancing Ajna Chakra (the third eye) in this Yoga Therapy class with Liama Aesha
Changing Patters
Today we explore patterns in our body, mind and emotions and how the practice of Yoga can help us shift unwanted patterning.
Class by Yoga Therapist, Liama Aesha.
Working with Mantra and Sound
Working with Mantra and sound in this stress relief class with Yoga Therapist, Liama Aesha.
Muladhara (Root) Chakra Practice
We move into the Chakras and an understanding of our subtle energy system. We begin with the base chakra Muladhara.
Class run by Yoga Therapist, Liama Aesha
Yoga for Depression
This class can help alleviate the symptoms of depression.
Class run by Yoga therapist, Liama Aesha
Practicing with Intention (Satkara)
Practicing with enthusiasm, knowing your goals will be met.
Satkara comes from Sutra 14 in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
The benefits becomes firmly rooted when it has been practised for a long time, without interruption and with sincere...
Yoga for Stress Relief
This is a breath focused practise to help focus and calm the mind.
Class run by Yoga Therapist, Liama Aesha.
Relieve Back Niggles.
Today's Yoga Therapy class focuses on relieving back niggles. Lets' deal with the niggles before they turn into bigger issues.
Class run by Yoga therapist, Liama Aesha