Flying Dragon
Get the heart and lung meridians energised with the flying dragon with Liama.
Connect to the Heart
Connect to the heart in today's slow flow with Georgie
Get your Mojo Back (30 Min)
Get your mojo back in this 30 min energising flow class with Liama
Devotion (30 Min)
30 min flow with Terra focusing on devotion
Core Class (30 Min)
Strengthen your core in this 30 min flow class with Terra.
"Sthira-sukham asanam" - YSP - 2.46
Today Georgie focuses on Sutra 2.46 from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali "Sthira-sukham asanam." Meaning Yoga is to be practiced in good space, with ease and strength at the same time.
Strengthen your core
Strengthen your core in Terra's flow class.
Neck and Shoulder Release (30 Min)
In today's flow class Terra focuses on releasing the neck and shoulders
Raise your Energy (40 Min)
Raise your energy in this 40 minute flow class with Terra
Explore our Beliefs
How does our belief system affect how we think, feel and act? We explore this in today's flow class.
Exploring Bhandas (locks)
Terra Focus on Bhandas - intentional locks in the body used to direct energy during your Yoga practice.
Ahimsa (non-violence)
In today's flow, Liama focuses on Ahimsa - one of the Yamas from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Ahimsa means non-violence to self and others.
Aparigraha - Non-Possessiveness
Georgie focus's on Aparigraha - one of the Yama's in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It means Non-Possessiveness or not taking more than you need.
Ether Element
Terra focuses on the element of Ether in this flow class.
Water Element
Our class today is at Lake Conjola on the South Coast of NSW. What better place to focus on the water element.
Air Element
We focus on the Air element in today's practice with Liama
Earth Element
We explore the Earth element in this flow practice with Terra.
Slow and Strong Flow
Join Terra in this slow and strong flow class
Georgie's Favourite Flow Practice.
Georgie can't wait to share her favourite flow practice.
Moving Meditation
Today's flow is a moving meditation with Liama
Yoga for Surfers
Need to help your surfing? Get ready in our yoga for surfers class with Terra
Increasing Prana
This slow flow practice with Georgie is focused on increasing the prana in the body
Flow with Meditation
Terra incorporates meditation in this weeks flow practice.