Back Care Class (30 Min)
About 80% of people suffer or have suffered from back pain.
Yoga is a great way to release tension in the muscles and strengthen supporting muscles to ease back pain.Class run by Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha
Gratitude Practice
In today's class we connect to the elevated emotion of gratitude.
By focusing on gratitude we often feel better within ourselves. -
Preparing for Pranayama (30 Min)
In this hatha practice Leah shows you how to prepare for Pranayama (breathing practices).
Hip Release (30 Min)
In today's 30 min practice Leah focuses on the hips.
Warm up in this Agni Practice (30 Min)
Warm up in this Agni practice with Terra.
Release your Hips (30 Min)
Release your hips in this Hatha class with Leah.
Improve your Posture (30 Min)
Improve your posture in this flow class with Terra.
Be Your Best (30 Min)
In the flow class, Terra explores being your best.
Take Time to Notice (30 Min)
Take time to notice, go inward in this slow flow class.
Yoga as a tool for Exploration (30 Min)
This practice focuses on using Yoga as a tool for exploration.
Non-possessiveness (Aparigraha) - 30 Min
We reflect on non-attachment (Aparigraha) in this Yin class with Leah
Works with fascia (30 Min)
This class works with fascia, the connective tissue in the body.
Lateral Stretching (30 Min)
Stretch out your side body as Terra focuses on the lateral lines of the body.
Get your Mojo Back (30 Min)
Get your mojo back in this 30 min energising flow class with Liama
Benefits of Stillness (30 Min)
Explore the benefits of stillness in the Yin class with Leah.
Create Space (30 Min)
Leah shows you how to create space in this 30min Hatha class.
Devotion (30 Min)
30 min flow with Terra focusing on devotion
Core Class (30 Min)
Strengthen your core in this 30 min flow class with Terra.
Lower Back Health (30 Min)
Take care of your lower back in this 30 min class with Leah.
Focus on Prana or lifeforce (30 Min)
In today's Yoga therapy class, Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha, focuses on Prana or lifeforce in this 30 minute session.
Class run by Yoga Therapist Liama Aesha
Kidney Meridian (30 Min)
This Ki Yoga class with Liama works on the Kidney meridian. When the kidney meridian is in balance we feel motivated, have strong vitality and can flow through life.
Hip Release
Release the hips in this hatha class with Leah
Flow with Terra
Terra focus's on leg strengthening in this 30 min flow class.
Shoulder Strengthening
Work on increasing shoulder strength in this 30min class with Leah.